Tag Archive for: Video

VIDEO: Solving Problems Manufacturers Face Today with Visualized Data and Empowered People

Lisa Bailey, FreePoint Technologies’ CRO, discusses the key problems manufacturers face today in their transition to Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).  In this presentation Lisa provides insight into how ShiftWorx™ MES Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solves these problems with the visualization of downtime data, which once known serves to engage and empower people in all levels of the manufacturing operation.

Learn more about FreePoint Technologies continuous improvement philosophy and see a demo of ShiftWorx™ software in action as she shows you the most powerful features of the machine monitoring and manufacturing execution solution; with real-time manufacturing KPI dashboards, shop floor communications (Andon), email/txt notifications, analytics reports, and much more.

Step-one is machine connection, which can be deployed in days to instantly relay data in real-time, metrics that can be displayed on large shop floor monitors or HMIs, or accessed from any web browser on any device.


#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #LeanManufacturing #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation

VIDEO: Empowering People in Manufacturing with Visualized Data

Paul Hogendoorn, Founder of FreePoint Technologies delves into ShiftWorx™ MES with a presentation and software demo that provides insight into how manufacturing managers and operators alike are empowered by ‘real-time’ visualized data on the shop floor.

Learn how easy it is to set-up ShiftWorx™ software, which in its most basic application cloud-connects your machines to start monitoring and reporting downtime data right-away, i.e., knowledge which instantly provides insight into the efficiency of your equipment or assembly processes while empowering your people with the info needed to improve the status quo.


#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #LeanManufacturing #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation



WHY Are the Japanese Companies (especially TOYOTA) Able to Consistently Produce Better Quality Cars? What is it That They do That’s Different from any Other Brands; and Why Are Their Cars Always so Well Built?

Learn more about ShiftWorx™ Plus “Wireless” ANDON System to increase your manufacturing quality today, regardless of the Industry. ShiftWorx™ ANDON is easy-to-use and customizable. Offering all the benefits of an ANDON system and more at a fraction of the cost to integrate given there is no wiring, no installation, and no labor required.


#Andon #LeanManufacturing #TPS #Toyota #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem

VIDEO: Experience ShiftWorx™ | Solution Overview and Demo

We Know You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure, Which ShiftWorx Does Affordably with a Less Than 6 Months ROI. Not Only That, We Can Connect ANY Machine, of ANY Age, Type or Brand with a Solution that is Deployed within Days!

Watch this Video Presentation to Learn More About FreePoint and Our Industry Leading Machine Monitoring and Manufacturing Execution System / MES Software Solution. Experience a Demo of ShiftWorx™ Starting at ~11m https://youtu.be/ajlaf8MviWs?t=671

To see a ShiftWorx™ MES System Software Demo Unique to Your Industry or Specific Application Please Contact Us: https://getfreepoint.com/contact-us/

#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem


VIDEO: <5 Days to Digital Transformation and Employee Engagement

In less than 5 days, your factory can be digitally transformed with a manufacturing execution system that connects machines and business systems in addition to empowering workers and managers with the real-time actionable data they demand.


Lisa Bailey, CRO, FreePoint Technologies

Presenter Biography:
As FreePoint’s Director of Sales, Marketing & Customer Care, Lisa settles for nothing less than the success of her customers. With a passion for manufacturing, she supports and empowers the operators and managers in manufacturing facilities to derive value from their processes by bringing visibility to business-changing data.

Presented at CMTS 2021 – SME ZONE Smart Hub – October 4, 2021 – YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb-QtYLgyuI

FreePoint Technologies’ ShiftWorx™ software enables manufacturers in the collection, monitoring, and visualization of machine data. Factory machines of any age, type or brand can be cloud-connected, putting vital analytics in the hands of management and plant floor workers resulting in improved productivity, quality, and reduced waste; all-the-while empowering your workforce to continuously improve!

  • RAPID DEPLOYMENT – Installed in Less Than 5 days
  • INCREASE PRODUCTION CAPACITY – Eliminate Inefficiencies
  • MONITOR MANUAL PROCESSES – Including Cutting, Welding, Assembly or Packaging

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.”
~Pearson’s Law


#IIoT #Industry40 #SmartManufacturing #MachineMonitoring #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #ManufacturingOperationsManagement

VIDEO: MES System Basics Video: Operator Workstation View Setup

In this video we demonstrate how easy it is to build an operator view in ShiftWorx that captures data in real time and makes machine data accessible to your ERP. A screen with many machines and KPI’s is great for managers looking to see the whole factory at a glance. Learn more about ShiftWorx and book your free demo today: https://getfreepoint.com/products/shiftworx-plus/

#Manufacturing #Industry40 #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MachineMonitoringSystem

VIDEO: Zooming Into Charts in ShiftWorx

Today we have a ShiftWorx quick tip that is simple, but not everyone knows.

When looking to isolate data, zoom in, and dive deeper into your ShiftWorx reports, you are able to left click and drag to zoom on your charts and reports. This can help shape a further level of understanding and clarity in your reports.

Here is a quick example.

We are committed to driving operational excellence through your shop and have released some truly revolutionary ShiftWorx enhancements and new modules over the past few months to drive continuous improvement including:

Reach out to us today to schedule a demonstration of any of this new functionality.

VIDEO: Driving Production Performance With Machine Monitoring and Real Time Data

FreePoint ShiftWorx™ brings Industry 4.0 benefits to manufacturing equipment regardless of age or function. FreePoint’s industrial IoT system connects to any age or type of machine or equipment, gathering valuable data and providing immediate visibility to everyone, engaging employees to use “human intelligence” to improve operations in real time. Manufacturers gain immediate and lasting benefits through increased operational efficiency and capacity throughput, improved employee performance and job satisfaction, and deferred capital expenditures on new equipment.

machine monitoring reporting dashboard

Machine Monitoring Reporting ShiftWorx Plus

FreePoint’s patented algorithm determines when a machine is doing value added work and presents real time information to the people who can make an immediate difference at all levels of the organization. This real time visibility provides a 360-degree view of your plant and allows you to:


  • View correlations between job, operator, scrap & machine activity
  • See the average run time of jobs on a specific machine
  • Determine yields on your part
  • View the amount of times you run a specific work order per year
  • Easily identify bottlenecks
  • Significantly reduce unscheduled downtime
  • Proactively manage machines
  • Benchmark against your current state
  • Increase the accuracy of their estimates
  • And more!

Take your data to the next level by integrating your machine data with your Business Central or Dynamics and Microsoft Power BI. If you are a manufacturer looking for simple and quick way to connect both new and legacy machines to visualize machine utilization, engage machine operators, and drive production performance with real time data, then we need to talk. FreePoint will help you set your data benchmark, understand the context of your data, improve accountability, make better decisions on the plant floor, and drive meaningful improvement. When fully implemented our customers can increase production performance by up to 50%!


VIDEO: ShiftWorx Custom Reporting Through BI Tools

When discussing the release of ShiftWorx Plus, we often touch on how we put more data at your fingertips than ever before. We talk about the enhanced customization capabilities for custom views and dashboard and today I wanted to discuss another similar critical element – How coupling the capability to capture Job and Operator data with the vast offerings available in the Business and Artificial Intelligence field creates a wealth of new insight extracted from ShiftWorx machine monitoring.

machine monitoring reporting dashboard

Machine Monitoring Reporting ShiftWorx Plus

As is the case with many Enterprise software products, we continue to evolve our reporting tools, though we will always be challenged to provide all of the reports in the exact format that a customer wants. There are simply too many ways in which each manufacturer wants to see data customized to their shop and process. This can be considered a challenge, but also creates an incredible opportunity.

Within ShiftWorx, many of our built-in reports and KPIs provide information across 2 or 3 dimensions – typically by DataSource, a TimeFrame and one element (Uptime/Downtime/Status/Job).  With the release of ShiftWorx Plus, we have many more combinations of dimensions on which we can report including Day, Shift, Status, Operator, Job (where multiple Status/Operator/Jobs can be active concurrently). More reporting options provide a wealth of great actionable insight, yet can also make reporting more complex when reporting on elements like Operator Uptime/Downtime/Production by Job/Product by Shift for a 6 month period – especially where multiple jobs may have been managed by multiple operators.

To address this, we have developed a process to normalize ShiftWorx data for consumption by business intelligence and reporting tools, providing the opportunity to extend the data in a way that is valuable for manufacturers, consultants, and other value added partners who can mine this information for insight into areas that can improve the performance and quality of manufacturing process.

Below are a few sample dynamic dashboards that we created using Microsoft Power BI as an example of our management reporting capabilities. By allowing and filtering multi-dimensional data, you can drill down to the metrics that matter and have the biggest impact in your shop.

At present, this is still in Beta and we are fine tuning the capability and will be rolling out a production version over the next few weeks. So you can see this in action, we have created the video below where we move the levers and slice the data. If you would like a live demo of this solution to understand the power of these tools, reach out to us.


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