The Most Common Problems Manufacturers Face Transitioning to Industry 4.0

We highlight the tools and knowledge manufacturers need to be successful in their transition to Industry 4.0 and the IIoT.  Start with understanding the problems.

manufacturing problems

What are the Most Common Problems Manufacturers Face in their Transition to Industry 4.0?

1. The Manufacturing Skills Gap

One of the biggest manufacturing problems U.S. businesses face is the growing skills gap.  Approximately 22% of existing skilled manufacturing workers will be retiring by the end of 2025.

2. The Internet of Things (IoT)

Connected machines on the shop floor let manufacturers collect real-time data; and even enable remote machine diagnostics and repairs.  Manufacturers that want to stay ahead need to identify how they can use the IoT to its full potential.

3. Efficiency Issues

Manufacturers have been looking for efficient solutions to decrease costs and increase efficiency at their operations.  Instead of sacrificing product quality, manufacturers have resources at their finger-tips to increase efficiency and capacity by adopting new technology.

4. Collaboration Issues

There is a communication gap between management on the shop floor – info is not being shared in real-time to affect positive change.  Facilitate on-the-ground communication among employees, customers and partners with digital collaboration tools.

Manufacturing Problems? Solved with ShiftWorx™ – Learn More About the Solution, See a Software Demo

manufacturing problems

ShiftWorx™ not only identifies machine downtime reasons, it engages your workforce in the process. Contact us anytime to discuss your Industry specific manufacturing problems.

ShiftWorx™ affords manufacturers of any size a shop floor optimization solution that can begin as a low-cost, low-risk pilot project that:

  • Cloud-connects ANY machine of any age, type or brand.
  • Is rapidly deployed in less than 5 days.
  • Increases your shop floor productivity by 50%.
  • Achieves 30% decreased machine downtime.
  • Achieves 20% improved employee engagement.
  • Offers a fast ROI in less than 3 months.

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VIDEO: Solving Problems Manufacturers Face Today with Visualized Data and Empowered People

Lisa Bailey, FreePoint Technologies’ CRO, discusses the key problems manufacturers face today in their transition to Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).  In this presentation Lisa provides insight into how ShiftWorx™ MES Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solves these problems with the visualization of downtime data, which once known serves to engage and empower people in all levels of the manufacturing operation.

Learn more about FreePoint Technologies continuous improvement philosophy and see a demo of ShiftWorx™ software in action as she shows you the most powerful features of the machine monitoring and manufacturing execution solution; with real-time manufacturing KPI dashboards, shop floor communications (Andon), email/txt notifications, analytics reports, and much more.

Step-one is machine connection, which can be deployed in days to instantly relay data in real-time, metrics that can be displayed on large shop floor monitors or HMIs, or accessed from any web browser on any device.

#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #LeanManufacturing #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation

VIDEO: Empowering People in Manufacturing with Visualized Data

Paul Hogendoorn, Founder of FreePoint Technologies delves into ShiftWorx™ MES with a presentation and software demo that provides insight into how manufacturing managers and operators alike are empowered by ‘real-time’ visualized data on the shop floor.

Learn how easy it is to set-up ShiftWorx™ software, which in its most basic application cloud-connects your machines to start monitoring and reporting downtime data right-away, i.e., knowledge which instantly provides insight into the efficiency of your equipment or assembly processes while empowering your people with the info needed to improve the status quo.

#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #LeanManufacturing #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation

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