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Go Paperless with ShiftWorx™ MES Digital Work Instructions

Go Paperless with ShiftWorx™ MES Digital Work Instructions

Integrate ShiftWorx™ MES Digital Work Instructions solution and benefit with the error-free delivery of information for any application.

Whether it’s preventative maintenance, quality control, assembly tasks and more, ShiftWorx™ MES Digital Work Instructions eliminates paper on the shop floor ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and accountability.

Integrate Digital Work Instructions with ShiftWorx™ MES

ShiftWorx™ MES (Manufacturing Execution System) enables manufacturers in the collection, monitoring, and visualization of machine data and manufacturing processes.  Factory machines of any age, type or brand can be cloud-connected, putting vital analytics in the hands of management and plant floor workers resulting in improved productivity, quality, and reduced waste; and all-the-while empowering the organization to continuously improve!

ShiftWorx™ MES affords manufacturers of any size a shop floor optimization solution that:

◉ Cloud-connects ANY machine, tool or process
◉ Increases your shop floor productivity by 50%
◉ Is rapidly deployed in <5 Days
◉ Reduces waste, and decreases downtime by 30%
◉ Improves employee engagement 20%
◉ Achieves a fast ROI in 3 months!

ShiftWorx™ MES ultimately enables manufacturers to Make Smarter Decisions, Faster!  Contact us to book your industry specific consultation and demo.

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The Top 10 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing is a concept developed during the 1990s, and at the time it was referred to as the Toyota Production System (TPS).  It sets out to clarify the processes within the manufacturing timeline that add value and eliminate the processes that inhibit it.  TPS identified the seven wastes of lean manufacturing, which we’ll be exploring in this blog; but it doesn’t stop there – we’ll also be examining some additional areas of waste that affect the factory line.


The TPS “seven wastes” are easily remembered via the acronym TIM WOOD, i.e., Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Over-Processing, Overproduction, Defects

What are the Wastes of Lean Manufacturing?

Waste is anything that does not add value.  When your production line follows a large number of processes, it’s inevitable that, over time, elements of that process develop that hamper the efficiency of the build.  This costs the manufacturer money, which, in turn, gets transferred to the customer.

Eliminating waste is an essential component in a company’s ability to compete, while helping increase profits.

Your customers expect timely delivery, consistent quality and the right price. So, streamlining your processes to remove waste is essential.

1. Transport

Unnecessary transportation of goods within a factory-line is the product of a variety of problems: poor factory-floor layout; complex handling systems; large batch sizes; storage in multiple locations; and over-production.  These all result in unnecessary transportation.

The movement of materials from location to location is a waste because it adds no value.  You need to pay people to move materials, and the maintenance of vehicles is costly.  A poor floor layout can increase the distance between operations, resulting in delays in processing and expensive transportation costs.

2. Inventory

Inventory costs the manufacturer money until it has been sold on to the customer. Every finished product or material component require storage space; waiting on the shelf to be sold.

Large amounts of inventory increase the chance of transit damage and cause delays in transportation and therefore adds to the wastes of lean manufacturing.

3. Motion

Unnecessary motion occurs where movements by either man or machine are not as small or as simple as they could be.  It could be that your engineer needs to bend down to pick up heavy objects multiple times throughout a shift – this puts strain on their back and could be eliminated by merely feeding those materials at waist-height, rather than on the floor.

This is all common sense because even robots will wear out eventually.

4. Waiting

A sloppy production timeline results in unsynchronized activity, causing waiting within the production process.  Idle time occurs when interdependent procedures are not in synch: operators are kept waiting or work slowly to accommodate slack cogs in the wheel.

5. Overproduction

Overproduction breeds waste!  It results from producing more product than your customer requires.  This causes storage problems from unnecessarily large batch sizes, and an inability to respond to customer need.

If your customer wants 150 pieces of x and 12 pieces of y, but you already have 700 pieces of y and only 10 pieces of x, then your customer is going to have to wait for you to produce to their requirement.  Streamlining your processes to meet customer need means that product is sent directly to the customer, in a timely fashion (and not stored) is a means to reduce the wastes of lean manufacturing.

6. Over-processing

Over-processing occurs where elements of your manufacture don’t add value.  Painting of unseen parts of the product, or cleaning or polishing beyond required levels are example manifestations of over-processing.

Manufacturers need to aim to process to the degree that is useful and necessary.  Over-processing is generally caused by a lack of standardization, unclear specifications, and inconsistent quality acceptance standards.

7. Defects

Defective goods are the most apparent waste.  While faults can never be eliminated entirely, you can reduce them by implementing poka-yoke systems (processes that help equipment operators to avoid mistakes).

This requires thorough documentation of processes and standardized training so that everyone follows a standard set of operations to achieve a uniform result.

8. Wasted Talent

If an employee is simply moving materials or equipment from one place to another (transportation), then that person’s talents are being under-utilized.

Non-utilized talent equally refers to management’s ignorance of continuous improvement feedback that comes from those operating the machines.  If management fails to engage with talent, it’s considered to add to the wastes of lean manufacturing in these terms.

9. Ineffective Performance Measures

Machine or process monitoring is a valuable resource for transitioning a process to lean manufacturing.  By obtaining an accurate data-reflection of current processes, you can identify waste.

You can also empower the workforce by providing the ability to monitor their own performance and recognize productivity norms, while rewarding uniform, standardized working practices.

10. Poor Supplier Quality

No production process can overcome an unreliable supplier.  If you need materials to produce, then you need to be able to rely on your suppliers to make sure your processes are as efficient as they can be.

Of course, there are always extenuating circumstances, but if your suppliers are continuously letting you down, it might be time to look elsewhere.

To Conclude

Your workforce is your business, and making sure that they’re productive is more than continually watching over them.  Listen to them, because they will have the first-hand experience of any problems on your production line.

Eliminating waste is about examining your existing processes, and empowering operators to help you streamline the factory floor.

ShiftWorx™ MES software enables manufacturers to measure and record granular production information right off the plant floor, from any machine or process in real-time to help eliminate the wastes of lean manufacturing.  Not only does this help eliminate waste, it engages your employees with actionable data!

Achieving lean manufacturing is now easier than ever with ShiftWorx™ MES:
Cloud-connect ANY machine, tool or process
Increase your shop floor productivity by 50%
Rapidly deploy the solution in <5 Days
Reduce waste, and decrease downtime by 30%
Improve employee engagement 20%
Achieve a fast ROI in 3 months!

ShiftWorx™ MES ultimately enables manufacturers to Make Smarter Decisions, FasterContact us to book your industry specific consultation and demo.


#LeanManufacturing #SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation #DowntimeTracking #OEE

Manufacturing Monitoring and Employee Engagement: How ShiftWorx™ MES Connects the Two

There is very little doubt that manufacturing monitoring software appeals to forward-thinking plant managers, shop supervisors and CEOs for its ability to track production and increase operator efficiency, saving companies thousands of dollars a month.

However, a key benefit (potentially one of the most important features) of manufacturing monitoring that is often overlooked is the impact it has on shop floor operators and employee engagement.  When operators are engaged in the task at hand, they are known to work more efficiently and with more focus. Manufacturing monitoring, when set up properly, provides that type of engagement.


Machine monitoring being used to enhance employee engagement

Having a screen at each machine or workstation, and large screens on the shop floor that display and track the employee’s production statistics empowers the workforce in the following ways:


When an employee’s production is being tracked and recorded, there is a clear sense of accountability for their work.  Creating accountable employees delivers numerous benefits to the company, including superior execution, lower employee turnover, more creativity and innovation.


Gamification is the process of applying and integrating elements of game mechanics in order to motivate participation, engagement, and loyalty.  Gamification takes the data-driven techniques that game designers use to engage players and applies them to non-game experiences to motivate actions which add value to your business. ShiftWorx™ MES enables that type of engagement with its ability to keep scores, track progress and display user-statistics.

Consistent Measurement of Performance

Machine Operator Displays his Manufacturing Monitoring Dashboard

In one of our recent blogs, Top 3 Questions Asked About Manufacturing Monitoring, we highlight that one of the questions asked most frequently is, “What do Operators on the Shop Floor Think of Manufacturing Monitoring; is this More of “Big Brother” Watching?”  The feedback we received the most is that operators are in favour of having the monitoring implemented as it gives them a consistent measurement of their performance that they are able to see every day.  With a manufacturing monitoring system like ShiftWorx™ MES, operators are empowered and engaged when they are able to view and understand their performance metrics in a real-time feed.

FreePoint Technologies is dedicated to helping manufacturing companies improve their bottom line, improve employee engagement, and bring modern technology to the plant floor.  Through the power of the internet and our patented technology, we are able to connect to any machine or any process, giving you the tools you need to keep your manufacturing facility going strong, and continuously improving!


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Top 3 Questions Asked About Manufacturing Monitoring

Manufacturing monitoring, what are the most frequently asked questions?  Over-time FreePoint has observed the top 3 questions about this topic we wish to highlight today, along with the answers!


Question #1

Can ShiftWorx™ MES Connect with ERP, MRP or Other Business Systems?

Absolutely!  Machine and process data is stored in common, open and easily accessible data formats, making it easy to connect the data from ShiftWorx™ MES to any other systems, or to import data from other systems into ShiftWorx™ MES.  Utilizing our powerful API tool your machine and process data is accessible across different systems enabling you to send the data across the various platforms and programs within your organization.

Question #2

What do Operators on the Shop Floor Think of Manufacturing Monitoring; is this More of “Big Brother” Watching?

Most of the operators and employees on the shop floor know that they are being measured, however, they are not aware of their ‘score’ according to their supervisors.  From our experience many of the employees feel that the current metrics by which they are being measured are not the true measurement of their efforts and contribution.  With a manufacturing monitoring system like ShiftWorx™ MES, operators are empowered and engaged when they are able to view their performance metrics in a real-time feed.

In fact, employees are empowered by self-measurement, meaning they personally account for the speed and quality of their tasks before a supervisor needs to interject.  Self-measurement also empowers team members to identify and solve problems quickly as they happen; and if needed, the help of a supervisor is quickly available at the touch of an Andon button on the operator touchscreen that can raise an alarm, display an alert on a shop floor screen, or send an email or text notification to expedite the solution.

Question #3

Should We Implement Manufacturing Monitoring Now, or Wait Until After We Make Other Improvement Efforts or Investments?

Manufacturing monitoring should be implemented BEFORE making any other improvements or investments so the manufacturer can properly measure and benchmark the true beneficial effect of the changes planned.  Fortunately, ShiftWorx™ MES is an easy to deploy, cost-effective solution that enables manufacturers to establish an empirical baseline now, against which the benefit of all future changes and investments can be calculated.

Bonus Question

What Machines or Processes Can the Manufacturing Monitoring Solution Connect to?

Our patented technology cloud-connects ANY machine or process non-invasively.  In terms of machines, equipment or tools, regardless of the brand, type, complexity or age, ShiftWorx™ MES connects them all.

In Summary, ShiftWorx™ MES Affords You a Manufacturing Monitoring Solution that:

• Cloud-connects ANY machine or process.
• Increases shop floor productivity by 50% or more.
• Is rapidly deployed in less than 5 days.
• Achieves 30% decreased downtime.
• Achieves 20% improved employee engagement.
• Offers a fast ROI in less than 6 months.


Interested to learn more about manufacturing monitoring?  The FreePoint Team is here to help you; contact us to book your industry specific consultation and software demo today!

Click to read  ShiftWorx™ MES customer reviews at Capterra and GetApp:

manufacturing monitoring

manufacturing monitoring








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See FreePoint and CIMx at the Advanced Manufacturing Expo

Attend the Advanced Manufacturing Expo 2022 Tradeshow in Grand Rapids MI, at the DeVos Place August 11-12, 2022.

See FreePoint Technologies and its Partner CIMx Software in the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center Pavilion – The Smart Technology Zone!

Advanced Manufacturing Expo

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FreePoint Joins BC FOOD & BEVERAGE

FreePoint has the right ingredients for Food & Beverage Manufacturers to GROW, and we’re proud to bring the ShiftWorx™ MES solution to the members of the BC FOOD & BEVERAGE Association.

bc food & beverage

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LEADING FOR SUCCESS: Empowering the Right People to Build Your Business


More Manufacturing Industry Insight from Paul Hogendoorn, FreePoint Technologies Founder:

“..I’m continuing the top 10 tips gleaned from successful companies and leaders that I’ve worked with over my 40-year career.  Although the two tips shared in this column are very similar and intricately related, they are also critically distinct.”
~Paul Hogendoorn, Founder

“If you want something important done, ask a busy person.”

A colleague on a church board once said to me many years ago, when the two of us were assigned a task, “If you want to get something important done, ask a busy person.”

Here’s why that’s a great tip for a manufacturing setting.  Truly busy people in manufacturing have a knack for getting things done.  They are not looking to put new things on their list but instead are trying to find the quickest way to get an item off their list.  Yes, there are people in manufacturing that know how to make themselves busy or keep themselves busy, but successful company leaders innately know the difference between routinely busy people and truly busy people that get things done.  How do I know this is true?  Easy.  A task that is critical and needs to get done seldom gets assigned to a person with a track record of managing never-ending projects that seem to go on.  They get assigned to people trusted to deliver an outcome.  Without even deliberately knowing they delegate tasks in this way, they do.

Truly busy people know how to delegate, when to stay out of the way and when to roll up their sleeves and just do it themselves.  Their focus is on getting the important tasks done and making themselves less busy.  Routinely busy people are looking to remain busy, and often without knowing they are doing it, they keep tasks open and keep themselves positioned as a critical communications conduit.  They resist closing the task out to get assigned another task, or worse (in their minds), have no important task assigned to them.  Truly busy people don’t have this aversion, because as soon as they have any bandwidth at all, other important tasks are assigned (or reassigned) to them.  What I’ve observed over the last four decades is that most progressive company and department leaders already instinctively know this.  They just aren’t aware of it.  The key is to not burn out your truly busy people.  Instead, let them graduate up the ranks as they succeed, confident that there is another high-achieving candidate ready to follow their lead and fill their shoes.

Successful manufacturers build on the people that take them forward.  As they empower, enable and grow the people, they build their businesses.  The company’s culture encourages its people to imagine, plan and persist on finding ways to move forward.

“Leaders find a way.”

The second tip comes from someone I was also on a board with.  We faced many challenging situations together.  His closing mantra was “leaders find a way”.  And indeed, they do.  The leader is not the person with the position or title, or the education, or the letters behind their name.  The leader is simply the person that finds a way when others don’t or can’t.  In all of our workplaces, there are many people that can point out the reasons why something can’t get done.  In fact, we often admire, empower, and even promote individuals that have great abilities to foresee or articulate problems that others can’t see.  But how does that get a company ahead?

At best, it keeps the company from going backwards – It doesn’t pull the company forward.  Many managers are to some degree inclined to keep companies from going backwards, but leaders are more often inclined to find a way forward. There are leaders in every organization, in roles up and down the org chart.  In the most successful organizations I have come across, the people that find a way (leaders) are supported, encouraged and appreciated.  In less successful organizations, the folks that have a knack for finding a way become discouraged and move on.  A leader’s true role is to develop new leaders.  A successful company’s culture fosters and encourages people to imagine, plan and persist on finding ways to move forward.

This is a key differentiator that I’ve observed that sets successful thriving manufacturers apart.  They build on the people that take them forward.  As they empower, enable and grow those people, they build their businesses.

Who are those people in your organization – the ones that find a way and get things done?  Are you building on them?

Paul Hogendoorn co-founded FreePoint Technologies with the goal of giving manufacturers the benefit of information technologies that inform, empower and motivate their most critical asset – their people.

Access Paul’s full series of Leading For Success: Tips in Manufacturing Automation Magazine here: https://www.automationmag.com/author/paul-hogendoorn/


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Machine Cloud-Connection – How Does it Work?


FreePoint Connect provides the various means to get your machines or processes operation data connected to the cloud.

New machines, or legacy machines of ANY age, type, or brand can be easily connected using our patented technology in 3 ways. Learn how it works by following this link:


ShiftWorx™ MES software enables manufacturers in the collection, monitoring, and visualization of machine or process data; putting vital analytics in the hands of management and plant floor workers resulting in improved productivity, quality, and reduced waste. ShiftWorx™ empowers your organization to continuously improve.

The optimization of your shop floor can begin as a low-cost, low-risk pilot project that:

  • Cloud-connects ANY machine of any age, type or brand.
  • Is rapidly deployed in less than 5 days.
  • Increases your shop floor productivity by 50%.
  • Achieves 30% decreased machine downtime.
  • Achieves 20% improved employee engagement.
  • Offers a fast ROI in less than 3 months.

Contact us today to consult with our shop floor optimization experts:

#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation #DowntimeTracking #OEE #LeanManufacturing


PRESS RELEASE | FreePoint Announces the Appointment of Two New Board Members

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – FreePoint Technologies Inc.
June 9, 2022

FreePoint Announces the Appointment of Two New Board Members

London, OntarioFreePoint Technologies, a leader in the manufacturing machine monitoring and data insights industry, today announced the appointment of two new members to the board of directors: Sophear Net and Rick Jankura.  This brings the number of board members to five.

“I am very pleased to welcome Sophear Net and Rick Jankura to the FreePoint board”, said Dave Eto, Chair of the Board of Directors.  “Sophear and Rick are distinguished executives with valuable, direct experiences in manufacturing and manufacturing technologies.  We look forward to their strategic contributions to FreePoint as the company continues its high growth trajectory.”

Sophear Net is an experienced technology executive with extensive industry experience in electronics, software development, project management, and renewable energy.  Sophear is a Professional Engineer and holds an MBA.  Previously, Sophear was the CTO of FreePoint and the company is very pleased to have her involved now in the role of Board Director.

Rick Jankura brings a wealth of expertise and industry experience to the FreePoint Board.  Rick is a Chartered Professional Accountant and senior executive with a diverse range of executive management experience in both private and public companies and board of director experience in private businesses and public sector entities.  He has held senior roles with companies in a broad range of industries including banking, venture capital, aviation, manufacturing and health care.  Rick will assume the role of Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee.

About FreePoint

ShiftWorxTM, by FreePoint, is a powerful machine monitoring technology solution with visualized data, product tracking, manufacturing insights, employee engagement, and more – enabling manufacturers to measure production utilization and experience 35%+ efficiency gains.  Manufacturers across numerous verticals can now make better decisions faster.


Media Contact
Tony Borges
Director of Marketing
800-682-0486 ext. 116


Collect.  Analyze.  Share.  Improve.


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The 3 Key Benefits of Machine Monitoring


Today we highlight the 3 Key Benefits of Machine Monitoring.  Step 1 though is getting the machines cloud-connected, at which point you gain real-time visibility into your shop floor with ShiftWorx MES SaaS; all by simply opening a web browser on any device, anywhere!

Now that your machines are connected, what are the 3 Key Benefits of Machine Monitoring (or monitoring manual processes, and assembly workstations alike)?

Key Benefit #1 – Reduce Downtime

Every manufacturing plant wants to run their operations as lean and efficiently as possible and one of the biggest obstacles that stands in the way is downtime.  Downtime consumes valuable resources that could have been used for productivity.  When ShiftWorx™ machine monitoring system is integrated with your machines, managers and supervisors are notified as soon as the machine goes down.  They can then investigate the issue, find out what the problem is and prevent it from happening again..

Key Benefit #2 – Empower Employees

At FreePoint, we believe in the importance of empowering and engaging employees with modern technology.  Manufacturing processes need to be re-humanized and provide an environment for workers to play a bigger role in identifying productivity improvements using factual, real-time process information.  Machine monitoring enables that.  When our customers share their machine data with their employees, operators and shop floor supervisors alike start to feel engaged and gain a sense of accountability.  When management invests in a machine monitoring system, it demonstrates to their workforce that they are committed to increasing productivity and continuous improvement.

Key Benefit #3 – Make Informed Decisions

The data received from your machines helps you to make more informed decisions on a daily basis.  Here are just a few ways the information is used:

  • More accurate quoting for jobs
  • Better decision making on the purchase of more machines
  • More informed decision making for hiring employees
  • Useful information that can be used for training employees

FreePoint Technologies is dedicated to helping manufacturing companies improve their bottom line, engage their employees and bring modern technology to the plant floor.  Through the power of the internet and our patented technology, we are able to cloud-connect ANY machine, and give you the software tools you need to continuously improve manufacturing operations with visualized data, and more.  Reach out to us today for your Industry specific consultation and demo!  Also, have a look at our latest customer reviews at Capterra.

#SmartManufacturing #Industry40 #MachineMonitoringSystem #IIoT #ManufacturingExecutionSystem #MESsystem #ContinuousImprovement #ManufacturingAutomation #DowntimeTracking #OEE #LeanManufacturing

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