FreePoint at the 2019 Microsoft VOX ISM Event
Once again, FreePoint was excited to be one of the many attending BMAC (Best Manufacturing App Conference). As a Microsoft Dynamics Gold Partner, Vox ISM throws this annual manufacturing event out of the Microsoft HQ in Mississauga. Besides filling up the Microsoft Canada HQ, BMAC brought together industry experts and manufacturers alike to keep them up to speed on evolving technologies in the manufacturing industry.

FreePoint at the VOX ISM- BMAC Conference
We always love getting a chance to speak with business leaders, owners, and industry professionals because it helps us better understand the challenges of our clients. Also, taking part in a panel of manufacturing technology suppliers, FreePoint President, Paul Hogendoorn illustrated how the latest manufacturing technologies can help streamline everyday processes, improve profitability and increase production capacity.
As always, FreePoint was excited to show our groundbreaking, non-invasive machine monitoring solutions able to connect to any machine, regardless of age or function. We take great pride in providing manufacturers with a real-time, 360-degree view of their plant floor, and being a part of the revolution driving change in the manufacturing industry.
Manufacturing in Southwestern Ontario covers a wide range of industry sectors – perhaps the widest range of any region in North America. Ranging from automotive and aerospace to wood, plastics, and fabrics, the Canadian manufacturing industry is fortunate to have organizations like Vox ISM to leverage during this era of mass digital transformation.
To learn more about 2019’s Best Manufacturing Apps Conference, you can watch the recap video, or read the official BMAC recap blog.
Thank you, and congratulations to Vox ISM for attracting and educating manufacturers from all sectors.
The BMAC Lecture Theater